Monday, February 26, 2018

Pleasantview (3.10) "The Big Launch"

Finally, Pleasantview returns to our screens! Check out the next episode, "The Big Launch".

As mentioned before, this is the longest episode in the soap opera so far at over 20 minutes. It was a lot of fun to make, and I'm already looking forward to delving in to 3.11 soon.

I'll be posting another Noticeboard in two weeks, so if you have any questions you'd like answered be sure to post them here, YouTube or on Twitter.


  1. It was so good! Don't forget to upload the diary entry. I missed this series, a lot of us figured Lilith would be pregnant so how that is going to be handled should be interesting. I was expecting to see Jessica Ebdai at the opening but then I realized her and Malcolm need to keep their relationship under wraps so her being there not a good idea. I feel like Malcolm is going to betray Dina, I'm thinking back to episode 9 and that conversation he had with Dustin and this heist with Hans Trap Door that is coming up. I think Malcolm is already aware that Dustin is Brandi's son or maybe he isn't, I do know in 3.9 he brought up finding a solution to keeping him on.

    I was wrong about Malcolm and Brandi, I don't think that is going to happen. I wonder what you have planned for Brandi and Don or the bartender? I noticed you zoomed in on the statue again and there were the shots of Don looking at Brandi. I knew Dion would follow Dina back to Pleasantview and now that we know he is a werewolf is only going to make things worse. I wasn't a fan of Dion from the start because I knew he'd be trouble. We all know Dina is going to summon the aliens to find out what the situation with Bella is but she should probably summon them to help her get rid of Dion too.

    It's so good that you're back. I know real life definitely gets in the way so I hope season 3 is finished before you may have to leave again. Only two episodes left :) Maybe episode 3.12 is "election night". Can you let us know who will appear in episode 3.11?

    1. Great comments!

      I can let you know Angela's diary entry will be coming soon, and there'll be more info in the next Noticeboard.

      Jessica Ebadi is a great character. I'd also like to see more of her, but it's a bit of a juggle just with the main players. Nevertheless, she will definitely make more appearances in future episodes, though not till next season.

      Yes, real life can get in the way, but things are much more stable for me now, so I don't see a problem with getting the season finished this year ;) 3.11 will include the following households: Goths, Brokes, Pleasants and Oldies. I'm going to try and include all main households in the last ep of the season.

      Thanks again for your thoughtful comments, and if you comment again could you leave a name? I prefer that to 'Anonymous' :)
